About Me

Welcome to my Art, Astronomy and Photography Blog. In my professional life I am an Art Director and Production Designer in the animation industry. Some of my film credits include "Anastasia", "Titan AE" and "Barnyard the Original Party Animals". I have also worked on TV Shows like "The Simpsons", "Beavis and Butthead", "Back at the Barnyard" and "Planet Sheen". If you would like to see my work related art please click on the Go For Launch Productions link below. Although I am very passionate about what I do for a living my other passions are photography, painting, astronomy, astrophotography and anything to do with NASA so the subject matter of most of my paintings is related to the space program and I have enhanced some of my photographs to give them an extraterrestrial feel. My paintings and photographs are organized into several catagories in the links below. Browse around and enjoy.

The Moon

The Moon

The Moon is the only natural satellite of earth. If you were to do a direct comparison of the size of the earth to the moon in ratio it would be the largest moon in the solar system and because of this, the moon is sometimes referred to as a terrestrial planet due to its size and composition. The moon in fact is the second densest satellite after Jupiter's moon Io. It is the brightest object in the sky next to the sun. Our ocean tides on earth are caused by the gravitational tugging of the moon and the minute lengthening of the day. The moon orbits the earth every 27.3 days. However, it takes 29.5 days for the moon to show the same phase because the earth is in its own orbit around the sun. Interestingly, if you were to set up a tripod and take a photo of the moon and then wait to take a second photo of the moon in exactly the same position in the sky as the first, you would have to wait around 450 years.
The moon has always been a fascination of mine. It was the first object in the sky I looked at when I received my first scope when I was 12 and it was the first object I looked at when I received my CGEM-800. It is my favorite celestial body to photograph. Each phase brings new shadows in the craters and a new area to explore where darness meets light. There are countless features like the Appenine Mountains, The Straight Wall or Copernicus Crater and they all look different on each day through the 29.5 day cycle.

For more great information about the moon, click here

Do you want to learn more about the Moon and view it
in 3D from space? Check out the Luminos app. "Powerful Fun"

"The Moon and Venus composite"

Moon Mare Crisium

Waxing Gibbous

Waxing Gibbous

"Waxing Gibbous and the
Straight Wall"

"The Moon's Apennine Caucasus Range"

Waxing Gibbous

1st Quarter Moon Mosaic

1st Quarter Moon Mosaic 2

1st Quarter Moon Mosaic 3

1st Quarter Moon Mosaic 4

The Moon Apennine Caucasus Mosaic

"Eight Years of Shooting the Moon"

Our Moon is a fascinating place to capture with ones camera.   The Moon’s face looks different from day to day that gives us amateur photographers a new view each day. As some of you know I have a telescope that I use to get full shots and close-up shots of the Moon but if you are interested in shooting the Moon you can do so with just a camera and even your phone. 

This mosaic of the Moon is made-up of 81 images of the Moon. Many of the images are themselves a mosaic while others are single images.  Equipment Used; (not in order) Celestron CGEM SCT8, SPC900MC, Nikon S9050, Canon T1i, ASI 120 MC and a Sony F-828   

"Four Day Old Waxing Crescent Moon 3"

Captured with a CGEM SCT 8 with a ZWO ASI 120 MC. Acquisition with SharpCap, processed in RegiStax. Final comp in Photoshop CS6. This is a mosaic of (22) 1280 X 960 panels' 

"Four Day Old Waxing Crescent Moon 2"

Captured with a CGEM SCT 8 with a ZWO ASI 120 MC. Acquisition with SharpCap, processed in RegiStax. Final comp in Photoshop CS6. This is a mosaic of 10 1280 X 960 panels' 

"Four Day Old Waxing Crescent Moon"

Captured with a CGEM SCT 8 with a ZWO ASI 120 MC. Acquisition with SharpCap, processed in RegiStax. Final comp in Photoshop CS6. This is a mosaic of 9 1280 X 960 panels' 

"Copernicus Crater"

Copernicus Crater is a deep impact crater on the Moon. Its diameter is 93 km and has a depth of 3.8 km.
This image was captured with a Celestron CGEM, SCT8 with a ZWO ASI 120MC (AVI @ 30 fps best of 600 frames. Acquisition with SharpCap, processed in RegiStax and CS6. 

"1st Quarter Moon Mosaic"

Captured with a Celestron CGEM SCT 8 with a ZWO ASI 120MC. Acquisition with SharpCap and processed in RegiStax. Final composition in Photoshop CS6. This is a mosaic of (25) 1280 X 960 panels. 

"1st Quarter Moon Mare Tranquilitatis"

Captured with a CGEM SCT 8 with a ZWO ASI 120 MC. Acquisition with SharpCap, processed in RegiStax. Final comp in Photoshop CS6. This is a mosaic of 9 1280 X 960 panels' 

"1st Quarter Moon Mare Nectarus"

Captured with a CGEM SCT 8 with a ZWO ASI 120 MC. Acquisition with SharpCap, processed in RegiStax. Final comp in Photoshop CS6. This is a mosaic of 9 1280 X 960 panels' 

"Waxing Gibbous Moon Featuring Tycho Crater"

Captured with a CGEM SCT 8 with a ZWO ASI 120 MC. Acquisition with SharpCap, processed in RegiStax and final comp in Photoshop CS6. This is a mosaic of 5 1280 X 960 panels.

"1st Quarter Moon Apennine and Caucasus Range"

Captured with a Celestron CGEM-800 with a ZWO ASI 120 MC. 1280 X 960 resolution at Prime Focus. Acquisition with SharpCap, AVI file processed with RegiStax, best of 250 frames. This is a mosaic of 5 panels. 

"1st Quarter Moon Meets the Terminator"

Captured with a Celestron CGEM-800 with a ZWO ASI 120 MC. 1280 X 960 resolution at Prime Focus. Acquisition with SharpCap, AVI file processed with RegiStax, best of 250 frames. This is a mosaic of 8 panels. 

"1st Quarter Moon on the Edge of Darkness"

Captured with a Celestron CGEM-800 with a ZWO ASI 120 MC. 1280 X 960 resolution at Prime Focus. Acquisition with SharpCap, AVI file processed with RegiStax, best of 200 frames. This is a mosaic of 3 panels. 

"Waxing Crescent Moon Notated" 

Captured with a Celestron CGEM-800 with a ZWOASI120MC. 1280 X 960 resolution at Prime Focus. Acquisition with SharpCap, AVI file processed with RegiStax, best of 200 frames. This is a mosaic of 12 panels. 

"Waxing Crescent Moon" Featuring the
Mare (Sea) Crisium

Captured with a Celestron CGEM-800 with a ZWOASI120MC. 1280 X 960 resolution at Prime Focus. Acquisition with SharpCap, AVI file processed with RegiStax, best of 200 frames. This is a mosaic of 12 panels. 

"Apennine and Caucasus Range"
The Landing Site of Apollo 17

Captured with a Celestron CGEM-800 with a ZWOASI120MC. 1280 X 960 resolution at Prime Focus. Acquisition with SharpCap, AVI file processed with RegiStax, best of 200 frames. This is a mosaic of 6 panels. 

"Apennine and Caucasus Range & Mare Serenitatis"

Captured with a Celestron CGEM-800 with a ZWOASI120MC. 1280 X 960 resolution at Prime Focus. Acquisition with SharpCap, AVI file processed with RegiStax, best of 200 frames. This is a mosaic of 5 panels. 

"30 Panel Waxing Crescent Moon Mosaic"

Captured with a Celestron CGEM-800 with a ZWOASI120MC. 1280 X 960 resolution at Prime Focus. Acquisition with SharpCap, AVI file processed with RegiStax, best of 200 frames. This is a mosaic of 30 panels. 

"7 Panel Waxing Crescent Moon Slice"

Captured with a Celestron CGEM-800 with a ZWOASI120MC. 1280 X 960 resolution at Prime Focus. Acquisition with SharpCap, AVI file processed with RegiStax, best of 200 frames. This is a mosaic of 7 panels. 

"9 Panel Waxing Crescent Moon Slice"

Captured with a Celestron CGEM-800 with a ZWOASI120MC. 1280 X 960 resolution at Prime Focus. Acquisition with SharpCap, AVI file processed with RegiStax, best of 200 frames. This is a mosaic of 9 panels. 

"10 Panel Waxing Crescent Moon Slice"

Captured with a Celestron CGEM-800 with a ZWOASI120MC. 1280 X 960 resolution at Prime Focus. Acquisition with SharpCap, AVI file processed with RegiStax, best of 200 frames. This is a mosaic of 10 panels. 

"12 Panel Waxing Crescent Moon Slice"

Captured with a Celestron CGEM-800 with a ZWOASI120MC. 1280 X 960 resolution at Prime Focus. Acquisition with SharpCap, AVI file processed with RegiStax, best of 200 frames. This is a mosaic of 12 panels. 

"The Moon's Clavius Crater and Tycho"

Captured with a Celestron CGEM-800 with a ZWOASI120MC. 1280 X 960 resolution at Prime Focus 05-15-2016. Acquisition with SharpCap, AVI file processed with RegiStax, best of 850 frames. Gamma = 11, Gain =50, Max frame rate, Exp (s)=0,044. Photoshop CS6 for composition. 

"The Moon's Apennine Caucasus Range"
Landing Site of Apollo 15

Captured with a Celestron CGEM-800 with a ZWOASI120MC. 1280 X 960 resolution at Prime Focus 05-15-2016. Acquisition with SharpCap, AVI file processed with RegiStax, best of 1200 frames. Gamma = 14, Gain =50, Max frame rate, Exp (s)=0,044. Photoshop CS6 for composition. This is an 11 panel mosaic.

"The Moon's Apennine Caucasus Range"

Captured with a Celestron CGEM-800 with a ZWOASI120MC. 1280 X 960 resolution at Prime Focus 05-15-2016. Acquisition with SharpCap, AVI file processed with RegiStax, best of 1200 frames. Gamma = 14, Gain =50, Max frame rate, Exp (s)=0,044. Photoshop CS6 for composition. This is an 11 panel mosaic.

"Into the Darkness"

Captured with a Celestron CGEM-800 with a ZWOASI120MC. 1280 X 960 resolution at Prime Focus 05-11-2016. Acquisition with SharpCap, AVI file processed with RegiStax, best of 1200 frames. Gamma = 43, Gain =50, Max frame rate, Exp (s)=0,044. CS6 for final adjusting. This is a 3 panel mosaic.

"Waxing Crescent 4 panel Mosaic"

Captured with a Celestron CGEM-800 with a ZWOASI120MC. 1280 X 960 resolution at Prime Focus 05-11-2016. Acquisition with SharpCap, AVI file processed with RegiStax, best of 1200 frames. Gamma = 36, Gain =50, Max frame rate, Exp (s)=0,037. CS6 for final adjusting. The image has been rotated 90" CW for composition  

"Waxing Crescent 2 panel Mosaic"

Captured with a Celestron CGEM-800 with a ZWOASI120MC. 1280 X 960 resolution at Prime Focus 05-10-2016. Acquisition with SharpCap, AVI file processed with RegiStax, best of 1200 frames. Gamma = 21, Gain =50, Max frame rate, Exp (s)=0,004. CS6 for final adjusting.    

"Waxing Crescent Mare (Sea) Crisium Notated"

"Waxing Crescent Mare (Sea) Crisium"

Captured with a Celestron CGEM-800 with a ZWOASI120MC. 1280 X 960 resolution at Prime Focus. Acquisition with SharpCap, AVI file processed with RegiStax, best of 1200 frames. Gamma = 21, Gain =50, Max frame rate, Exp (s)=0,004. CS6 for final adjusting. Mare Crisium is around 740 km or 460 miles across    

"Waxing Gibbous Moon with Tycho Crater"

Captured with a Celestron CGEM-800 with a ZWOASI120MC. 1280 X 960 resolution at Prime Focus. Acquisition with SharpCap, AVI file processed with RegiStax, best of 1200 frames. CS6 for final adjusting. Tycho Crater is 85km wide and 4.8km deep  

"Mare Nectarus"

The Moons "Mare Nectarus" Notated. Captured with a Celestron CGEM-800 with a ZWOASI120MC at Prime Focus. Acquisition with SharpCap AVI best of 1200 frames processed in RegiStax and CS6. 04-13-2016

"1st Quarter Moon in Color"

Captured with a Celestron CGEM-800 with a Canon T1i at Prime Focus. Acquisition with Backyard EOS, RAW file processed in CS6. 04-13-2016  

The Moon and Jupiter

This is a composite image of the Moon and Jupiter with its 4 large moons. The images were captured with a Celestron CGEM, Astro-Tech AT6RC with a (unmodified) Canon T1i. Acquisition with Backyard EOS, RAW files processed and composed  in CS6. The field of view has been rotated 90' CW for composition. NOTE this is a composite correction for orientation and field of view on March 7th. "Astronomy Image of the Day"

The Moon and Jupiter Notated 

Colors of the Moon

Captured with a Celestron CGEM-800 with a Canon T1i at Prime Focus. Acquisition with Backyard EOS, RAW file processed in CS6. The color is from the minerals that make up the Moon. Our eyes can't see it but a camera can if you shoot in RAW mode.  

Full Moon 14 Days Old

Captured with a Celestron CGEM, Astro-Tech AT6RC with a Canon T1i at Prime Focus. Acquisition with Backyard EOS RAW file processed in CS6.

Waxing Gibbous Moon 13 Days Old

Captured with a Celestron CGEM, Astro-Tech AT6RC with a Canon T1i at Prime Focus. Acquisition with Backyard EOS RAW file processed in CS6.

Waxing Gibbous Moon 12 Days Old

Captured with a Celestron CGEM, Astro-Tech AT6RC with a Canon T1i at Prime Focus. Acquisition with Backyard EOS RAW file processed in CS6.

Waxing Gibbous Moon 11 Days Old

Captured with a Celestron CGEM, Astro-Tech AT6RC with a Canon T1i at Prime Focus. Acquisition with Backyard EOS and RAW file Processing in CS6. 

Waxing Gibbous Moon 9 Days Old

Captured with a Celestron CGEM, Astro-Tech AT6RC with a Canon T1i at Prime Focus. Acquisition with Backyard EOS, RAW file processed in CS6  

Waxing Gibbous Moon 8 Days Old

Captured with a Celestron CGEM Astro-Tech AT6RC with a Canon T1i at Prime Focus 1-400 @ ISO 800. Acquisition with Backyard EOS RAW file Processing with CS6

Waxing Gibbous Moon 7 Days Old

Captured with a Celestron CGEM, Astro-Tech AT6RC with a Canon T1i, 1-640 @ ISO 1600. Acquisition with Backyard EOS RAW file processed with CS6 

Waxing Crescent Moon 6 Days Old

Captured with a Celestron CGEM, Astro-Tech AT6RC with a Canon T1i at Prime Focus, 1-1000 @ ISO 1600. Acquisition with Backyard EOS, RAW file Processing with CS6 

Waxing Crescent Moon 5 Days Old

Captured with a Celestron CGEM, Astro-Tech AT6RC, Canon T1i 1-320sec @ISO 800 at Prime Focus. Acquisition with Backyard EOS and RAW file processing in CS6 

Waxing Crescent Moon 4 Days Old

Captured with a Celestron CGEM Astro-Tech AT6RC at Prime Focus with a Canon T1i. Acquisition with Backyard EOS, RAW file processing in CS6

Waxing Crescent Moon 3 Days Old - Daylight to Night 

Captured with a Celestron CGEM, Astro-Tech AT6RC with a Canon T1i. Acquisition with Backyard EOS, CS6 for RAW file processing. 

The Moon Showing its Colors 

Captured with my Celestron CGEM, Astro-Tech AT6RC OTA, Canon T1i at Prime Focus. 640s ISO 400. Acquisition Backyard EOS CS6 for RAW file processing. 

"The Many Faces of Our Moon" 
A compilation of Moon Captures from 2010 - 2015
Image of the week from Photographing Space. 

Moon-Venus Occultation

Captures between 9:00am and 9:35am  Celestron CGEM, Astro-Tech AT6RC, Canon T1i (unmodified) 1-640sec Exp, ISO 400. Acquisition with Backyard EOS

Daytime Waxing Gibbous Moon

Captured with my Celestron CGEM, Astro-Tech AT6RC OTA with a unmodified Canon T1i at Prime Focus on 11-21-15 at 5:00pm. Acquisition with Backyard EOS RAW file processing in CS6. 

Lunar Eclipse September 27th 2015

Captured with a Canon T1i f/5.6, ISO 1600 1,3 Sec Exp with a 55-250 mm lens @ 250 mm

Waxing Crescent Moon

Captured with my Celestron CGEM-800 with a unmodified Canon T1i at Prime Focus with a f/6.3 Antares Focal Reducer/Corrector on 05-22-2015. Acquisition with Backyard EOS RAW file processing in CS6. The Moon was setting and picking up some sunlight. 

Waning Gibbous Moon 1

This is a 2 Panel Mosaic captured through my CGEM-800 with a ZWOASI120MC Camera @ Prime Focus. Acquisition with SharpCap and processed with RegiStax and CS6.

Waning Gibbous Moon 2

This is a 2 Panel Mosaic captured through my CGEM-800 with a ZWOASI120MC Camera @ Prime Focus. Acquisition with SharpCap and processed with RegiStax and CS6.

Waxing and Waning Gibbous 5 Days Apart

Captured with my Celestron CGEM-800 with a unmodified Canon T1i at Prime Focus with a f/6.3 Antares Focal Reducer/Corrector on 03-08-2015. Acquisition with Backyard EOS RAW file processing in CS6

Waning Gibbous Moon

Captured with my Celestron CGEM-800 with a unmodified Canon T1i at Prime Focus with a f/6.3 Antares Focal Reducer/Corrector on 03-08-2015. Acquisition with Backyard EOS RAW file processing in CS6

Waxing Gibbous Moon

Captured with my Celestron CGEM-800 with a unmodified Canon T1i at Prime Focus with a f/6.3 Antares Focal Reducer/Corrector on 03-03-2015. Acquisition with Backyard EOS RAW file processing in CS6

Waxing Gibbous Moon

Captured with my Celestron CGEM-800 with a unmodified Canon T1i at Prime Focus with a f/6.3 Antares Focal Reducer/Corrector on 02-26-2015. Acquisition with Backyard EOS RAW file processing in CS6

April 14th-15th 2014 Lunar Eclipse
Captured with my Celestron CGEM-800 with a (unmodded) Canon T1i at Prime Focus with a f/6.3 Antares Focal Reducer/Corrector. "Winner Best in Show" from OPTAS

21 Image Waxing Crescent Moon Mosaic
Captured through my Celestron CGEM-800 with a ZWO ASI120MC at Prime Focus on April 3rd 2014 between 8:07pm and 9:06pm. Resolution 1280x960, 35fps best of 600, Brightness @ 2, Gamma @ 50, Gain @ 11 (on Average). The images were acquistioned with SharpCap and processed with RegiStax and CS6. 

21 Image Waxing Crescent Moon Mosaic
Captured through my Celestron CGEM-800 with a ZWO ASI120MC at Prime Focus on April 3rd 2014 between 8:07pm and 9:06pm. Resolution 1280x960, 35fps best of 600, Brightness @ 2, Gamma @ 50, Gain @ 11 (on Average). The images were acquistioned with SharpCap and processed with RegiStax and CS6. These images are closer cropped slices of the above.


Copernicus Crater
Shot with an SCP900NC Philips webcam with a CGEM-800 telescope, 2" 2x Barlow and a 1.25" 2x Barlow. This was the first time I used a webcam capturing the moon. The capture software was SharCap and processed in Registax and CS4

Waning Gibbous Moon Mosaic

These next 7 images are part of a mosaic. CGEM-800, Philips SPC900NC @ Prime Focus captured on10-13-2011. The setting were slightly different for each exposure.

This image has been flopped 90'

45 Image Moon Mosaic

The next 8 images are all part of a 45 image moon mosaic. Each image was capured with an SPC900NC webcam on average at 20fps to 30fps for 30sec. Each image was acqisitioned with SharpCap through my CGEM-800 and the stacked using RegiStax. Photoshop CS4 was used for final composite. as for the SharpCap settings each area was a little differnt for each capture. The really great part shooting a mosaic is the detail in the final image and if you are like me and print your images from time to time, the details in print look fantastic. The final image at full size is 110"W x 140"H so printed hi-res at 30" high looks really great. The first two captures are single images 

Waning Gibbous Moon

These images were captured through my Celestron CGEM-800 using a ZWO ASI120MC camera at prime focus on May 30th 2013 between 2:30am and 3:37am. Resolution 1280x960, 35fps best of 600, Brightness @ 6, Gamma @ 79, Gain @ 31 (on Average). The images were acquistioned with SharpCap and processed with RegiStax and CS6.  At the bottom of the set is a mosaic but my intension was not to shoot a mosaic, good luck really. The mosaic has been tilted 90' and south is to the left.

Waxing Gibbous Moon 02-12-2014 

These images were captured through my Celestron CGEM-800 using a ZWO ASI120MC camera at prime focus on February 12th 2014 between 10:00pm and 10:30pm. Resolution 1280x960, 35fps best of 600, Brightness @ 0, Gamma @ 50, Gain @ 43 (on Average). The images were acquistioned with SharpCap and processed with RegiStax and CS6. At the bottom of the set is a mosaic. The mosaic has been tilted 90' CCW. 

 Waxing Crescent Moon March 5th 2014

These images were captured through my Celestron CGEM-800 using a ZWO ASI120MC camera at prime focus on March 5th 2014 between 7:05pm and 8:15pm. Resolution 1280x960, 30fps best of 600, Brightness @ 3, Gamma @ 31, Gain @ 45 (on Average). The images were acquistioned with SharpCap and processed with RegiStax and CS6.


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