Arizona Lightning
Lightning is amazing and breathtaking to
watch. At the same time it can be extremely dangerous. It is also very
unpredictable. It is the most unpredictable of all natural phenomena. Those
bright flashes in the sky also play a major role in our echo system and life on
Humans and all other life need nitrogen.
When we breathe we breathe in nitrogen but that nitrogen is not consumed by our
bodies. The way we get nitrogen is from the plants we eat and the animals we
eat that eat the plants.
The nitrogen molecules in the air are made up
of two very tightly packed atoms. In order for us to absorb the nitrogen those
atoms need to be separated. Lightning has enough energy to separate the atoms
allowing the atoms to fall to the earth in the rain water where they combine
with minerals in the soil forming nitrates. This of course is known as
In short, now the plants have what they
need to grow. The animals now have the plants that they need to eat and us
humans have what we need to eat and we also have our much needed nitrogen that
keeps us alive.
The next time you hear a load clap of
THUNDER, give some thanks to the lightning for fertilizing our soil.
All images were captured with a Canon T1i
Overlooking Flagstaff Arizona from Mars Hill
Captured on September 9th between
8:10 pm and 9:15 pm

Captured on August 31st 2015 between
10:00 pm and 10:20 pm

Captured on August 19th 2014 between
9:30 pm and 9:15 pm
Captured on August 17th 2014 between
8:00 pm and 9:15 pm
Captured on August 11th 2014 between
8:00 pm and 9:30 pm
Captured on July 26th 2014 between
11:00 pm to 1:o0 am
This is a composite of 3 photos
This is a composite of 4 photos
Captured on July 3rd 2014 between
10:00 pm to 11:30 pm
Captured on August 28th 2013 @ 9:30pm